Kana.Kitchen Recommends|Turmeric Brown Sugar

Thank you, @Kana. Kitchen, for recommending Fong Man Red Turmeric Brown Sugar!

This article is reproduced with the permission of @Kana.Kitchen

Mom’s version of stomach-warming winter afternoon tea ~
Winnie the Pooh Ginger Sugar Walnut Bun + Red Turmeric Brown Sugar Drink
Always wanted to try making these cartoon character steamed buns, so therapeutic~(///▽///)

Recipe for the steamed bun is borrowed from the fresh milk mini steamed bun recipe on YTOWER website.
With a dash of turmeric powder for coloring.
Put in the filling and roll into a ball.
Roll two mini balls to make the ears and steam them together.
Draw the Pooh’s features with a paintbrush dipped in food coloring (or bamboo charcoal powder + water).
Chop the equally nourishing red turmeric brown sugar + walnut into small pieces and stuff them into bread dough to make mini buns.
(Remember to chop the brown sugar finely so they will melt properly when steamed – I naively thought they will melt on their own when heated XD) If you don’t chop the sugar finely, they will remain whole inside the buns ~

Personally, I think it tastes better when the finely chopped sugar is mixed with walnut XD
If you don’t like the turmeric taste, you can change it to brown sugar + walnut filling.
Equally delicious~
But turmeric is more nutritional~ you can Google it to find out~ XD

Hear ye, hear ye! Time for commercial break~
Recently I received Fong Man Biotech’s Red Turmeric Brown Sugar.
Took me completely by surprise when I saw the actual product…
I thought it would look like those sold in traditional markets…
Fong Man Biotech’s Red Turmeric Brown Sugar has exquisite packaging…
It looks like something you’d be proud to give as a gift…
The manufacturer generously sent me two different flavors – Old Ginger and Longan and Red Date, for sampling…
Fong Man Biotech’s Red Turmeric Brown Sugar is made by brewing naturally cultivated red turmeric and pure Taiwan brown sugar in the traditional way.
Ingredients and product description are clearly shown on the external box…
Inside the external box is a vacuum-sealed pack…

Inside the vacuum-sealed pack are small individual packs and several packs of desiccant. Not only is it hygienic but also moisture-proof and anti-oxidizing. I have to say that this manufacturer has really paid great attention to packaging design. The small individual packs are also suitable for office workers to carry around.
So…after trying out the two flavors, I find myself preferring the more spicy “old ginger” in comparison to the gentler “longan and red date”.
When the weather is cold, I would often open a pack and eat it like candy....XD
It feels so warm and comfortable after eating ~

Good morning, everyone ~^ ^
Today is winter solstice~ remember to eat some sweet rice dumplings~~

Yesterday, I chopped up the Red Turmeric Brown Sugar from the manufacturer and put them in sweet rice dumplings along with chopped walnuts.
Made me feel all warmed up after eating ~^ ^

== Dumpling skin ==
Glutinous rice flour 100g, water approximately 60g, a dash of turmeric powder
After mixing the ingredients to make dough, take 10% of the dough, flatten it and boil until it appears slightly transparent. Remove the boiled dough and knead it with the rest of the dough.
==Stuffing ==
Finely chop walnut and Red Turmeric Brown Sugar.
 Step 2.
Slightly flatten dumpling skin to make a circle, put in the stuffing and roll it into a ball.

If you want to make Winnie the Pooh sweet rice dumplings like me, you just have to place the dumpling balls on baking paper, make another two smaller dumpling balls as ears and draw the Pooh’s features using a paintbrush dipped in food coloring (or bamboo charcoal powder + water).
PS: I washed my paintbrush after I bought it and have only used it on food…
Step 4. Boil the dumplings with the baking paper so the ears don’t drop off easily.

Voila! The finely chopped Red Turmeric Brown Sugar melted into smooth molten lava…

Taste delicious when mixed with chopped walnut~

Thank you, @Kana.Kitchen, for recommending Fong Man Red Turmeric Brown Sugar!
@Kana.Kitchen FB page
Doctor Red Turmeric – Fong Man Biotech Farm FB page